Library Catalogue
The CMAG Library can be accessed during our Third Tuesday meetings at the Multnomah Arts Center and is a loaner-library for members only. Our books and videos collection includes the following (last updated 10/24):
Blacksmith’s Manual Illustrated (Lillico, J.W., 1960)
Chasing Ancient Metalwork Technique With Modern Applications (Lewis, Marcia , 2000)
Hydraulic Die Forming for Jewelers & Metalsmiths (Kingsley, Susan, 1993)
The Art of Stamping (Cheminée, Matthieu, 2019)
The Spruce Forge Manual of Locksmithing (Morrison, Bill, 1999)
Crafting as a Business (Rosen, Wendy, 1998)
Jewelry Making for Fun and Profit (Clegg, Helen)
Profiting by Design (Richey, Marlene, 2008)
Taking the Leap (Lang, Cay, 1998)
The Elements of Selling (Zell, Alan J., 2012)
DVD: An Introduction to Fold Forming (Lewton-Brain, Charles, 1985)
DVD: Design for Survival, Pricing Your Work (Mann, Thomas, 2004)
DVD: Diamond Setting - Channel Setting (Wooding, Robert, 1992)
DVD: Diamond Setting - Pave (Wooding, Robert , 1992)
DVD: Foldforming Draft 2019 (1 disk) (Lewton-Brain, Charles , 2019)
DVD: Forging Basics (McCreight, Tim, 2013)
DVD: GRS Tool Instruction 1 & 2 (2 disks) (GRS, no date)
DVD: Hand Finishing Jewelry (Erickson, Lexi , 2012)
DVD: Introduction to Stonesetting (5 disk set w/pamplet) (St. Jean, Kim , 2015)
DVD: Machine Finishing Jewelry (Driggs, Helen, 2012)
DVD: Metalsmithing Techniques (O'Connor, Harold, 2005)
DVD: Organic Metal (6 disk set) (Ryan, Marne, 2010)
DVD: Patina Basics (McCreight, Tim, 2010)
DVD: Revere on Goldsmithing: Project 1 - Japanese Pattern Earrings (Revere, Alan, 1995)
DVD: Revere on Goldsmithing: Project 2 - Reticulated Wedding Bands (Revere, Alan, 1995)
DVD: Revere on Goldsmithing: Project 3 - Cabochon Pendant (2 disks) (Revere, Alan, 1995)
DVD: Revere on Goldsmithing: Project 4 - ID Bracelet (2 disks) (Revere, Alan, 1995)
DVD: Revere on Goldsmithing: Project 5 - Hollow Wedding Band (Revere, Alan, 1995)
DVD: Revere on Goldsmithing: Project 7 - Hinged Box (Revere, Alan, 1995)
DVD: Revere on Goldsmithing: Project 8 - Emerald Solitaire Ring (Revere, Alan, 1995)
DVD: Rio Grande Repairs (Rio Grande, 1993)
DVD: Safety Solutions (MJSA, no date)
DVD: The Complete Metalsmith (McCreight, Tim, 1989)
A Manual of Cloisonne & Champleve Enameling (Barnhart, Coral, J. Patrick Strosahl, 1981)
First Steps in Enameling (McGrath, Jinks, 1994)
The Art of Fine Enameling (Cohen, Karen L., 2019)
21st Century Jewelry (Le Van, Marthe, 2011)
Azerbaijanian Copper (no author, 1989)
Beyond the Obvious: Rethinking Jewlery (Cummins, Susan, 2000)
Clasps-4000 Years of Fasteners in Jewelry (Tabakhova, Anna)
Contemporary Japanese Jewelry (Fraser, Simon, 2002)
Contemporary Jewellery in Australia and New Zealand (Anderson, Patricia, 1998)
Creative Gold and Silversmithing (Choate, Sharr, 1970)
Custom Cool Jewelry (Barta, Linda, 2008)
Design Sourcebook Jewellery (Watkins, David, 1997)
Designing Jewelry (Warwick, James, 1980)
Forty Years Forty Pieces (Schwarcz, June, 1999)
Found Treasures (Junger, Herman, 2002)
Gemologue: Street Jewellery Styles & Styling Tips (Urla, Liza, 2018)
Indian Jewelry Making (Branson, Oscar T, 1977)
Islamic Metalwork (Ward, Rachel, 1993)
Jewelry Making and Designs (Rose, Augustus, 1949)
Jewelry of Our Time (English, Helen Drute, 1995)
Jewelry Through the Ages (Gregorietti, Guido, 1969)
Metal Artist Thomas Mann (Codrescu, Andrei, 2001)
Modern Jewelry: An International Survey (Hughes, Graham, 1968)
Moods in Wire (Sinclair, Ellsworth, 1994)
Muses & Manifestations (Love, Pamela, 2016)
Navaho Silver (Woodward, Arthur, 1971)
New Directions in Punched Metal Jewelry (Formanski, Aisha , 2013)
Nordisk Smykkekunst Nordic Jewelry (Lohmann, Jane, 1995)
One of a Kind: American Art Jewelry Today (Grant Lewin, Susan, 1994)
Silver (McNab, Jessie, 1981)
Sweat of the Sun and Tears of the Moon (Emmerich, Andrei, 1977)
Tesoros de la Edad Oscura (Kornfeld, Dany, Torkum Demirjian, 2002)
The Art of Jewelry (Hughes, Graham, 1972)
The Beauty of Jewelry (Frank, Joan, 1979)
The Creative Jeweler (McSwiney, Sharon, 2000)
The Design and Creation of Jewelry (Von Neumann, Robert, 1961)
The Great Book of Jewels (Heiniger, Jean, 1974)
The Great Treasures (Gregorietti, Guido, 2002)
The Pleasure of Jewelry and Gemstones (Sataloff, Joseph, 1975)
Wonderful Wire Works (Baskett, Mickey, 1999)
Creative Metal Clay Jewelry (Wire, CeCe, 2003)
Introduction to Precious Metal Clay (Devos, Mary Ann, 2003)
Metal Clay Magic (Mizushima, Nana V., 2005)
Mixed Metal Jewelry from Metal Clay (Jacobson, Hadar, 2009)
PMC Guild Annual #1 Exceptional Work (PMC Guild, 2007)
PMC Technic (McCreight, Tim, 2007)
Silver and Bronze Clay-Movement and Mechanisms (Jacobson, Hadar, 2008)
The Art of Metal Clay (Haab, Sherri, 2003)
The Handbook of Metal Clay (Jacobson, Hadar, 2007)
Working With Precious Metal Clay (McCreight, Tim, 2000) [two copies]
Awards for Visual Artists (Flintridge Foundation, 2002)
Cage Series: River Trip (Lewton-Brain, Charles, 2008)
Photography / Arts, Crafts, & Collectibles (Meltzer, Steve, 2007)
Practical Jewelry Rendering (McCreight, Tim, 1993)
Color, Texturas Y Acabados (Codina, Charles, 2009)
Japanese Patinas (Sugimori, Eitoku, 2004)
Patina (Runfola, Mathew, 2014)
The Art of Patinas for Bronze (Eden, Michael, 1990)
The Colouring, Bronzing and Patination of Metals (Hughes, Richard, 1991)
Eco Jewelry Handbook: A Practical Guide for a Healthy, Safe, and Sustainable Studio (Dhein, Christine, 2018)
Health Hazards Manual For Artists (McCann PHD, Michael, 1994)
The Artist’s Complete Health and Safety Guide (Rossol, Monoma, 1994)
The Jeweler's Studio Handbook (Holschuh, Brandon, 2009)
The Jewelry Workshop Safety Report (Lewton-Brain, Charles, 1999) [two copies]
Wellness for Makers: A Movement Guide for Artists (Ballone, Missy Graff, 2022)
Advanced Cabochon Cutting (Cox, Jack , 1986)
Bead Setting Diamonds with Pave Applications (Wooding, Robert R., 1985)
Cabochon Cutting (Cox, Jack , 1986)
Color Treasury of Crystals: Symmetry in the Mineral Kingdom (Vincenzo, Michele , 1972)
Color Treasury of Gems and Jewels (Schubnel, Henri-Jean, 1967)
Colored Stones Vol. 1 and Vol. II (GIA)
Creative Stone Setting (Cogswell, John, 2008)
Diamond Setting The Professional Approach (Wooding, Robert R., 1984)
Diamonds, Second Edition (Bruton, Eric, 1978)
Gems & Crystals from the American Museum of Natural History (Sofianides, Anna, 1990)
Gems & Jewels, Uncut Stones and Objets D'Art (Orbis Books, 1973)
Modern Jeweler’s Gem Profile The First 60 (Federman, David, 1988)
Pearl Buying Guide (Newman, Renee, 1992)
Pearls – Their Origin, Treatment & Identification (Taburiaux, Jean, 1985)
Setting Repair (Revere, Alan, 2008)
The Jeweler’s Directory of Gemstones (Crowe, Judith, 2012)
101 Bench Tips for Jewelers (Revere, Alan , 2004)
All Hands Aboard Scrimshawing (Barbeau, Marius, 1973)
All Wired Up (Lareau, Mark, 2000)
Artists Anodizing Aluminum (LaPlantz, David, 1988)
Behind the Brooch (Angulo, Lorena, 2013)
Cheap Thrills in the Tool Shop (Lewton-Brain, Charles, 1994)
Contemporary Jewelry A Studio Handbook (Morton, Philip, 1970)
Contemporary Lampworking (Dunham, Bandhu Scott, 1993)
Creative Metal Forming (Longhi, Betty Helen, 2013)
Creative Silver Chains (Saunders, Chantal Lise, 2005)
Electroforming for Metalsmith & Jewelry (Kim, Sung-Ran, 2003)
Fabulous Woven Jewelry (Hettmansperger, Mary , 2005)
Fiber Wire (Vann, Lisa, 2002)
Findings & Finishings, a Beadwork How-To Book (Bateman, Sharon, 2003)
Getting Started Making Wire Jewelry and More (Chandler, Linda, Christine Ritchey, 2005)
Gold Applications: A Technology Review (Lewton-Brain, Charles, 2008)
Handcrafted Wire Findings (Peck, Denise, Jane Dickerson, 2011)
Handouts from the 21st Century (SNAG, 2016)
Heat, Color, Set & Fire: Surface Effects for Metal Jewelry (Hettmansperger, Mary, 2012) [two copies]
Hinges and Hinge-Based Catches for Jewelers and Goldsmiths (Lewton-Brain, Charles, 1997)
Hot Connections Jewelry (Chin, Jennifer, 2011)
Indian Silver Smithing (Hunt, W. Ben, 1960)
Jewelry Fundamentals of Metalsmithing (McCreight, Tim, 1997) [two copies]
Jewelry Lab (Manley, Melissa, 2011)
Jewelry Metals: A Guide to Working with Common Alloys (MJSA) (Binnion, James, 2015)
Jewelry Techniques (Young, Anastasia, 2008)
Jewelry Two Books in One (Coles, Madeline, 1999)
Legacy: Jewelry Techniques of West Africa (Cheminée, Matthieu, 2014)
Making Connections (Kazmer, Susan Lenart, 2008)
Making Glass Beads (Jenkins, Cindy, 1997) [two copies]
Making Metal Beads (Warg, Pauline, 2006)
Making Metal Jewelry (Gollberg, Joanna, 2003)
Metal Magic (St. Jean, Kim, 2012)
Metal Style (Dougherty, Karen, 2011)
Metals Technic: A Collection of Techniques for Metalsmiths (McCreight, Tim, 1992) [two copies]
Mixed Metal Jewelry Workshop (Hettmansperger, Mary, 2010)
Mixed Metals (Barta, Melinda, Danielle Fox, 2009)
Platinum Tech Tips: Retail Edition (Platinum Guild International, no date)
Practical Joining: A Bench Reference for Jewelers (McCreight, Tim, 2006)
Professional Jewelry Making (Revere, Alan , 1991)
Silversmithing (Finegold, Rupert, William Seitz, 1983)
Silver Wire Fusing (Jones, Liza, 2008)
Textile Techniques in Metal: For Jewelers, Sculptors, & Textile Artists (Fisch, Arline M., 1975)
Textile Techniques in Metal: For Jewelers, Sculptors, & Textile Artists (Fisch, Arline M., 1996)
The Art of Jewelry Making (Revere, Alan, 1999)
The Complete Book of Jewelry Making (Codina, Charles, 1999)
The Complete Metalsmith (McCreight, Tim, 1991)
The Jeweler's Bench Book (Lewton-Brain, Charles, 2007)
The Jeweler's Directory of Decorative Finishes (McGrath, Jinks, 2005)
The Jewelers Manual (GIA, 1964)
To The Point: Pin Mechanisms and Brooch Back Design (Malev, Daniela)The Jewelry Engravers Manual (Hardy, Richard Allen, 1976)
The Jewelry Making Handbook (McSwiney, Sharon, et al, 2007)
The New Silversmith: Innovative, Sustainable Techniques for Creating Nature-Inspired Jewelry (Ringgold, Nicole, 2024)
The Platinum Bench: An Illustrated Guide to Easy Platinum Repairs… (Maerz, Jurgen J., 2002)
To The Point: Pin Mechanisms and Brooch Back Design (Malev, Daniela, 2017)
Troubleshooting for Jewelers: Common Problems, Why They Happen and How to Fix Them (Munro, Frieda, 2016)
Wrap, Stitch, Fold and Rivet (Hettmansperger, Mary, 2008)
Broom Casting (Smith, Bradford M., 2015)
Creative Casting (Choate, Sharr , 1966)
Modeling in Wax for Jewelry and Sculpture (Kallenberg, Lawrence, 1981) [two copies]
Mold Making, Casting & Patina: For the Student Sculptor (Barrie, Bruner Felton, 1992)
Practical Wax Modeling Advanced Techniques For Wax Modelers (Tsuyuki, Hiroshi, 1993)