Clasps: From Simple to Structural, with Rachel Morris
Whether you bead, string pearls, or create your own chains, the finishing touches count. In this two-day workshop, you’ll be given demos of several variations of S or hook clasps, toggles, and box clasps, and see examples of numerous other mechanisms. By the end, students should have a broader understanding of how to choose the right style of clasp for their projects, and what benefits and risks are found in both hand-made and manufactured clasps.
Students will work on several clasps of their own – Intermediate/advanced metalworkers can opt to focus on a more intricate piece, while intro students are advised to become proficient in some of the simpler forms first. Attendees can bring in projects or designs in need of clasps, and we will discuss the importance of both form and function appropriate to their needs. Students can expect to enhance their fabrication skills and precision work and gain experience recognizing the balance of form and function in closures.
Basic torch and silver soldering skills are required.
Date: Saturday – Sunday, April 12–13
Hours: 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM, with a one-hour lunch break each day
Cost per student: $300 CMAG member / $350 nonmember, plus materials fee of $95
Supply fee covers:
• 1’ - 12g sterling round wire
• 6” – 14g sterling round wire
• 1’ - 18g sterling round wire
• 4” - sterling pattern wire
• 3” x 2” - 20g sterling sheet
• Two 6 mm cabochons with bezels
• One 8 mm cabochon with a bezel
• Hard and medium solder, flux
Studio provides: Benches, oxy/propane and acetylene torches, flex shafts
Students bring to class: Basic fabrication tools including files of all sizes – a full list will be sent to registrants