Soldering Mastery with Debra Carus
Soldering is an essential skill in metalworking, but while it's easy to learn the basics, mastery can be elusive. If you've struggled with delicate set-ups, complicated forms, finding the right tools, getting the solder to flow, or just not melting your work into puddles, then this workshop is for you. Join us and practice flawless solder joins while learning tips and tricks for 100% success. Learn ways to securely hold pieces in place, use the torch with control, and optimize the use of fluxes, tools and solder types. Beginners to advanced makers are welcome, as we tackle your most troublesome solder jobs.
Date: Saturday, April 5
Hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, with a one-hour lunch break
Cost per student: $150 for CMAG members, $175 for nonmembers, plus materials fee of $10
Instructor provides for shared use: Solder, flux, , solder supports and tools, pickle, yellow ochre, solder clay
Studio provides: Benches, oxy/propane and acetylene torches, flex shafts
Students bring to class: Works in process and scrap metals (copper, brass, silver, gold) to practice soldering, scribe, fine
point Sharpie.