Soft Wax Models for Casting with Thomas Tietze
Learn the fundamentals of wax building from Portland-based jeweler Thomas Tietze, who has forty years of experience in the industry. This is a ground-up training session that will leave you with repeatable skills and one or more models you can cast at your convenience. This process is important for ‘Lost Wax Casting’ and opens a whole new range of possibilities for the jeweler! All levels are welcome.
Date: Saturday, May 3
Hours: 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM, with a one-hour lunch break
Cost per student: $150 for CMAG members, $175 for nonmembers, plus materials fee of $25
Instructor provides: Assorted waxes, chemicals and supplies, and vellum paper
Studio provides: Benches, oxy/propane and acetylene torches, flex shafts
Students bring to class: Visor, exacto knives, organizer, sketchbook and pencil, ultra fine point Sharpie, one or two small (baby food-sized) empty jars