Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Hours: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: CMAG Makerspace in SE Portland (address provided upon registration)
Cost per student: $125 plus $12 supply fee for CMAG members
Materials covered by the supply fee: Dental tools, carving wax, sandpaper, wax sawblades
Materials to bring:
Any/all specific carving tools you like or have used in the past (dental tools, Wolf or other
carving tools, etc.)Double-ended coarse/fine wax file
Half-round finer file (e.g., #2 cut metal file)
Saw frame
Exacto knife
Digital caliper
Battery powered wax melty pen ('Max Wax' e.g., or 'Thread Zap'--a little cheaper usually, same device but w/slightly more robust tip)
Design ideas
Optional: optivisor (or equivalent if you use one), engraving tools, needle files, bastard file, dividers, ring mandrel, retired burs and drill bits (round, bud, etc.)