Classical Wax Carving for Sculptural Jewelry

Portland-based jeweler Cheyenne Weil will teach a one-day class on wax carving techniques for jewelry.

In this class, I will break down how I carve a sculptural jewelry piece using primarily a reduction-style carving method. I'll discuss and demonstrate tools and methods I use to carve my pieces, I'll go over how to transfer your sketched designs and ideas to the wax for carving, how to design and carve with the eventual casting process in mind, and how to incorporate/improve or modify the tools you already have. With our studio time, we will work on a new piece from scratch and I'll send you off at the end of the day with your design taking shape and the confidence to bring your piece to completion.

Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025

Hours: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Location: CMAG Makerspace in SE Portland (address provided upon registration)

Cost per student: $125 plus $12 supply fee for CMAG members

Materials covered by the supply fee: Dental tools, carving wax, sandpaper, wax sawblades

Materials to bring:

  • Any/all specific carving tools you like or have used in the past (dental tools, Wolf or other
    carving tools, etc.)

  • Double-ended coarse/fine wax file

  • Half-round finer file (e.g., #2 cut metal file)

  • Saw frame

  • Exacto knife

  • Digital caliper

  • Battery powered wax melty pen ('Max Wax' e.g., or 'Thread Zap'--a little cheaper usually, same device but w/slightly more robust tip)

  • Design ideas

  • Optional: optivisor (or equivalent if you use one), engraving tools, needle files, bastard file, dividers, ring mandrel, retired burs and drill bits (round, bud, etc.)