Mastering the Flex Shaft with Andy Cooperman

The instructor

Andy Cooperman makes all sorts of things from all sorts of things and is known for applying the rigor and discipline of Craft to a wide variety of often disparate materials. He has been a jeweler and metalsmith for over thirty years and a writer and educator for close to that. As a teacher, Andy’s goal is to help students develop the creative problem-solving tools that will allow them to open new doors onto the creative process.

The class

So, you're a jeweler, metalsmith or maker about to be stranded on a desert island. (Along with coconuts, this island inexplicably has electricity.) Now, you can bring only one tool. What tool do you bring?

If you were Andy Cooperman you’d most likely bring your Flexible Shaft Machine. Maybe the most versatile tool at the bench this champion of rotary tools is, for many, underutilized and poorly understood.

Here’s your chance to gain a deeper understanding of this marvelous tool and expand your vocabulary of flexible shaft techniques and applications. This two-day version of the demo-only workshop will cover the basic machine itself--from the motor, down the shaft to the speed control and handpiece-- and will discuss and demonstrate the use of burrs, bits, grinding, shaping, finishing and polishing aids: the stuff they didn’t teach you in school.

More Than a Drill is a mix of demonstration and real-time experience, so expect to get your hands dirty exploring some of the techniques and tools addressed --and some eye-opening innovative tricks as well.

➔Please note: This is a sample-style class. While students will try many of the tools and techniques discussed, we will not be making a complete project.

Dates: January 11–12

Hours: 10-5, with one hour lunch break each day

Cost per student: $400 for CMAG members ($475 for nonmembers) plus materials fee of $35

Instructor provides: some bits, burs, wheels and widgets for each participant to go home with

Studio provides: benches, torches, flex shafts

Students bring to class:

  • Feel free to bring your own flex shaft if you are curious about something particular to your machine

  • This is a great opportunity for students to bring any attachments or “extensions” (Andy’s term) that you are in some way mystified or confounded by or are unsure of how to use. These might be:

    -bits, burs, grinders

    -sanders, polishers, wheels, etc.

    -hand pieces, foot pedals, etc.

  • A couple of drill bits – 1 mm or 0.8 mm, 58 or 67 – size not critical.

  • Mandrels: 3/32” shank is best: Andy will supply one screw mandrel/student, but order a couple more if you like – ditto Tapered Split Mandrels

    -SCREW Mandrels 2 or 3 nothing fancy, something like RIO #333.108

    -SPLIT Mandrel-tapered or straight like RIO #333.130 or #333.132

  • TAPERED punch like a centerpunch (round x section)

  • 1/2” coil of UNCUT jumprings, 18-22 gauge, any metal

  • Round-nose pliers (non-serrated)

  • Curved or straight burnisher

  • Sharpie pen: fine or medium

  • Flat or half round file (fine cut)

  • Small flat blade (standard) screw driver

  • Magnifiers, safety glasses, dust mask

  • Any item, project or sample that you are having trouble with that you feel the flex shaft might help with